How to stop being Conceited?
It is good to be proud of oneself but there is a fine line between pride and conceit. Conceit manifests as the bloated opinion of one’s skills, self and importance. It is usually accompanied by narcissistic attitudes and a belief that one is better
5 ways to Deal with an Overly Immature Person
In an ideal world, everybody would act calmly, sensibly, and rationally consistently. People would wait for their turns, regard everyone around them, and otherwise follow the essential code of conduct that most kids start learning in kindergarten. Shockingly, in reality, a few people
6 Great Tips to Keep Your Life Organized
As we grow older, we find that more and more things demand our time and attention. To be able to navigate through all of these with any sort of success, we must be organised. This involves the institution of structure and a system
How to Nurture Your Curiosity?
Curiosity is the mother of innovations & inventions. Curiosity births ideas. It is a desire to want to know more, a desire to find answers to questions. Since curiosity is the mother of inventions, it then stands to mean that, Increased curiosity = Increased innovation and invention.
How to be a Confident Leader in Uncertain Situations
According to my experience, there are many factors and ingredients to maintain your leadership skills and confidence even during the most challenging situations at work or life: Agility Patience Poise Inner strength Peace of Mind These are the qualities displayed by true leaders,