How to stop being Conceited?
Self well-being

How to stop being Conceited?

Feb 18, 2025

It is good to be proud of oneself but there is a fine line between pride and conceit. Conceit manifests as the bloated opinion of one’s skills, self and importance.

It is usually accompanied by narcissistic attitudes and a belief that one is better than or knows more than those around. A conceited person usually wants to share his/her achievements but does not want to listen to anyone. Who would want to interact with such a person? It is important to point out at this juncture that being confident is nowhere near being conceited. While being confident is a positive personality trait, being conceited is not.

So if you find that your confidence is slowly morphing into being conceited, herein are a few tips on killing this negative personality trait ;

1. Try to see positive in others

One major character trait of a conceited person is that they refuse to acknowledge others are as good as or even better than them. To be less obnoxious/toxic/conceited person, endeavor to see the positive side of others. Stop thinking that you are perfect while others are not. No one is perfect.

2. Compliment others

Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone! However, where most people will apologize and try to fix things, a conceited person usually fails to see the mistake or decides to bluff his/her way through instead of apologizing. As i said earlier, nobody is perfect.

Take responsibility for your mistakes, accept the consequences, learn from it and do not try to make out like it is everyone else’s fault.

3. Be humble & courteous

Being humble and polite are central personality traits for easy, non-toxic, respectful relationships. The point to remember is that being kind does’nt cost you anything. You just have to be empathetic towards others. Do this and you would see how people’s attitude towards you would change.

4. It’s okay to be vulnerable !

Conceited people usually have a problem with letting others see them as vulnerable. They think that they are very strong and refuse their vulnerabilities to others. What they forget is discussing your problems actually makes you look like what you are.

5. Learn to laugh at yourself

There is nothing bad in making fun of others often and there is nothing bad if your friends make fun of you as well. Learn to laugh at yourself too. As long as you can laugh at yourself, you will never cease to be amused plus it will make you a happier person.

6. Find balance between being confident & conceited

Having the utmost confidence in your abilities is important to your growth, no matter the sphere of life. However, you have to make a conscious effort to not take things too far. Do not start believing you are infallible. In addition to this, you have to know when your discussions are now that just a bragging session.

7. Try to remember details about other people

Not remembering names of people whom you have met four or five times or if you miss out on your close one’s birthdays can be hurtful. So, try to pay attention to details that others share with you.

8. Take suggestions from others

Ask questions of others and allow them to supply information to you. Don’t present yourself as a know-it-all. Sometimes people who you think are stupid can give you awesome suggestions. Everyone has something of value to share.

Tasks to help you out

  1. Compliment at least one person in a day
  2. Note good things in people around you
  3. If you’re poor at remembering details, then note them down
  4. Control the urge to brag about yourself & your accomplishments. Control the urge to put other’s achievements down or say you’ve done better (even if you’ve !)

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