5 Ways to Be More Expressive
Letting out how you feel is an important part of maintaining good mental health. Your personal opinions, thoughts and feelings should not be hidden or ignored. Say what you have to say, do not lie to yourself ( that’s always my sister advises to just be yourself what you are ! because then, you can express yourselves better).
You have to remember at all times that this is your life and if you let other people speak for you or you do not share what you really think, you would continue to feel dissatisfied and poorly represented. So start taking initiative ! Prove others what you are, and what all can you do!
Let people know what principles and ideologies define you so they can know to stay with or away from you. Do not copy others, glory in your individuality and uniqueness. Though your thoughts on an issue might differ from the rest, do not let anyone or thing shush you. Let it out.
In the following ways you can safely express yourself and help your mental well-being.
1. Keep A Diary
Writing down our thoughts is a good way to express how we feel. It helps us share those things we find we are unable to tell even to our closest friends and family members. With a diary, you get to talk to a friend who would listen without casting any judgement. We also get to write our hearts out without fear and anywhere as the diary can be taken everywhere.

2. Stop Worrying About People’s Reactions
You won’t be able to express yourself fully if you keep worrying about what others will say , do or think.
For those of us who find it difficult to express ourselves or speak freely, we can look to motivational books, videos and tutorials to help with this. People would react to your silence, taking it as support or complicity. Assumptions would be made which most times might be unfavorable to you.

3. Get Creative
Speaking is not the only medium through which we can express ourselves. There are creative ways which can be explored. For those that can write short stories, poems, blogs and other literary works are good media. If you can draw, then art is the way for you. Find that creative activity you are good in and use it as a medium to say what you want to say.
Even singing and dance can be the ways to attract others. It’s not necessary on your part to excel in everything. Just excel the activity you are good in and others will get attracted easily. Don’t run/panic after them to get attracted or be popular. It takes time. Remember! You are not doing it for them ! just to achieve yourself !

4. Be Imaginative
Times when we are unable to properly pass across our thoughts to listeners. To get around this, get imaginative. Look for and share analogies and examples that would make your thoughts/feelings easier to understand.

5. Planning
This is most useful for public speaking. You can have keynotes written down on a paper. You can just have each point you wish to elaborate on. Planning ahead helps you avoid forgetting what to say and avoid repeating yourself because you cannot remember your points.
Planning also lets you organize your thoughts in an organic manner.